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Get Your Dream Job Title On Your Resume While Fighting Poverty

dream job

Alternative titles to this article include:

“How an African village girl and a middle aged white dude started the next fashion revolution”

“From Capitalist to Angel Entrepreneur”

“I cancelled myself” 

“Overcoming white privilege”

Finally I settled upon the title, “Entrepreneurs Against Poverty…Day 1”

A mid-life crisis forces you to face the meaning your life should embody by a certain age. For me that age is 55 (8 years from now when I hope to retire into a second “career” full of meaning). Many ideas crowded for attention:

How do I remake myself at 55?

  • Travel, but not to resorts or on cruise ships…which won’t give meaning to life
  • Start my own business? Yes, but not doing something I’m tied to 24X7X365
  • Buy something expensive? That’s not my style. “The things you own will end up owning you.” –Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club
  • Become a philanthropist? Maybe, but not if it involves fund raising or settling on only one cause. 

Q: Where do all these ideas intersect? 

A: Entrepreneurs Against Poverty (EntrAPov) is a network of caring entrepreneurs and virtual interns. Regular people like you assist budding entrepreneurs in impoverished nations. Volunteers provide business expertise combined with my financial support as grants into areas where US dollars go a long way. 

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Don’t worry…I’m not going to ask you for a financial donation. Not now. Not ever. So feel free to keep reading.

The EntrAPov “vision” became a reality in 2020 when 2 founders and 4 virtual interns helped Dalisey Brooks of Cape Town, South Africa launch her women’s sandal brand, Chipantha. 

Dalisey’s smile radiates as she recounts that “even as a little girl who owned only 1 red dress and no shoes, I loved fashion.” She grew up in a small village in Malawi, Africa. Eventually she made her way to South Africa where she says, “despite my shyness, I worked in the retail industry to develop communication skills and self-esteem.” Eventually her work visa expired since the South African government is basically shut down during the pandemic. To make a very humble living Dalisey designs and sells quality sandals, accessories, and clothing. She works online from Cape Town beginning every morning at 4 am from a borrowed laptop.

She sources her materials from local African artisans who need help as much as she does. Dalisey says, “Having first-hand experience with poverty, I believe in serving and giving back to the community. Dalisey’s unique line of sandals and accessories use colorful fabrics, soft ropes, and leather available in South Africa.

So how does Entrepreneurs Against Poverty get your dream job title on your resume? 

  1. Choose your  dream job title (i.e. Marketing Director)
  2. Email your name and dream job title to
  3. You will receive a reply with the EntrAPov company logo, authorizing you to post your new virtual internship’s job title on LinkedIn. Use the logo and company name as you’d like.
  4. Do volunteer work on behalf of the organization to build up your work experience, skills, and resume so I can give you a strong recommendation when companies ask about hiring you. 

What about this article’s alternative titles?

Once a money grubbing capitalist, turned “Angel Entrepreneur,” I’m trying to overcome white privilege by giving my expertise and start-up money to help entrepreneurs in impoverished nations. I “cancelled” myself years ago at age 40 to see those in need. I realize that by using these words I’m painting a bullseye on my chest and asking for criticism. But I’d rather be authentic so hopefully this story will be worth reading. 

That’s how I connected with a little African girl who once owned only 1 red dress and no shoes to help her start a fashion brand. 

I might be an angel or I might be a hypocrite trying to justify my comfortable circumstances. Either opinion is fine for readers as long as the writing is interesting. This journey will be an honest account of helping entrepreneurs rise out of poverty while making mistakes along the way. I’ll never try to sell you anything or convince you I’m an expert or a saint. Feel free to laugh at me or hate me, but hopefully you’ll love the entrepreneurs like Dalisey that you meet in reading future articles.

That’s Entrepreneurs Against Poverty…Day 1

The next few chapters will share:

  • What volunteer interns did to help Dalisey while getting the job title and experience they needed to land their own dream jobs. 
  • Mistakes made by me, the founder with zero experience in the non-profit space
  • How I got attached to this first product and business owner before clearly understanding manufacturing costs and international shipping costs

Read more in future articles on Medium or at

2 thoughts on “Get Your Dream Job Title On Your Resume While Fighting Poverty”

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