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SeyStitches by Josephine


Seystitches in Accra, Ghana specializes in styling, designing, and sewing both male and female clothing for all occasions including wedding gowns and casual dresses. Owner, Josephine Sey, helps clients choose a style which is then sewn to fit the occasion. We are very punctual and deliver to exceed the client’s expectation. We are well known in our area for high quality.

If given a grant, I will purchase an Industrial Sewing Machine ($265), a knitting machine ($371), and expand my shop space and utilities to power new machines ($364). The new machines will enable me to sew a dress 3 times as fast. The knitting machine will save a lot of time that I currently spend waiting in long lines to use a rented one. With these new machines I can make an additional $400 per month, tripling my revenue and increasing profit margins from 9% to 67% (see below).

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