Entrepreneurs Against Poverty (EntrAPov) is a network of caring entrepreneurs and virtual interns. Regular people like you and me who assist budding entrepreneurs in impoverished nations. Volunteers provide business expertise combined with Entrapov's financial support micro-loans into areas where US dollars go a long way. The EntrAPov “vision” became a reality in 2020 when 2 founders and 4 virtual interns helped launch a women’s sandal brand, Chipantha.

Ben Davidson
Co-founder and “Angel Entrepreneur,” runs the non-profit, Entrepreneurs Against Poverty (EntrAPov.com) as a side hobby. He funds entrepreneurs in impoverished nations. Working along side these business owners, Ben lends expertise in web development, copy writing, human resources, and videography. He recently published an Amazon bestseller entitled, Get Hired Guarantee. Speaking regularly on college campuses, Ben shares his entertaining career journey that led him to love helping entrepreneurs in Africa. Ben lives in Idaho where he graduated with an MBA from Idaho State University in 2001. He enjoys the outdoors, art, and philanthropy.

Prince Mensah
In Entrapov’s West African operations, as Executive Director, Mensah oversees the startup incubator, allocates seed money to entrepreneurs, and approves capital expenditures. The incubator trains under-employed women and men in Ghana to initiate and manage businesses. Mensah identifies promising plans, preps founders for pitches, disperses seed money, and monitors financial performance. Managing a substantial budget, volunteers, and budding entrepreneurs, Mensah has exceeded expectations in advancing Entrapov’s mission. I have complete trust in his exceptional management of people, assets, and the organization’s vision.

Dalisey Brooks
Co-Founder, hosts pitch events and tells the Entrapov story over social media and investor communication campaigns. She creates public relations and marketing content to attract American investors and followers of the “Shark Pond” pitch events. She teaches entrepreneurs to write/present compelling business pitches with sound financial projections. She helps match sponsoring investors to startups that fit their interests.
Board of Director

John Ney
Idaho State University Assistant Dean, Director of Professional Development, Assistant Professor of Marketing. John has been a longtime advocate of entrepreneurs against poverty providing his marketing expertise and support as a sponsor.

Cami Wacker
Client Strategist & Leadership Consultant. Cami brings Entrapov her expertise in human capital and change management at a global scale. She provides vital insights to help Entrapov scale and grow to fight poverty world wide.

Greg Fox
MBA, Ensign College Business Department Chair. Professor Fox enlists the help of his students to review Entrapov entrepreneur business plans and help improve their financials and likelihood of business success.

Derrick Boles
Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Derrick is an author, speaker, and former professional athlete who enjoys service work that makes the world a better place. Contact Derrick at: BolesAcademy@gmail.com

Ben Christensen
Secondary Education Teacher. Ben began working with Entrapov when he sponsored Evanson’s cell phone business in Nigeria. Since then he has become a wonderful advocate for entrepreneurs against poverty.

Terry Fredrickson
CEO – New Day Products & Resources. Terry is a philanthropist and entrepreneur who makes the world a better place because he is part of it. New Day is the official merchandiser for Entrapov.
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Contact us
Email: entrapov@gmail.com